Women's Health Spotlight: The PMS Herbal Trio
In the Western Medicine world, you most often take medications when you are in a chronic or severe state of imbalance. With women’s menstrual health, very few pharmaceuticals can be offered beyond exogenous hormone influencers like birth control or antidepressants. However, Chinese Medicine has many herbal formulas that are used to harmonize the body from all kinds of imbalances small or large, and with hormones and PMS, Chinese Medicine shines in terms of prevention and treatment. There are quick fixes here, but it often works best when it’s used on an ongoing, long-term basis to boost up depleted reserves and get organs working together again to fix major underlying imbalances.
In women’s health some of the most famous of these herbal formulas are used in strategic ways to treat many aspects of PMS. Often instead of using one of them daily they are used in correspondence with certain times of the menstrual cycle. If you are just trying to get your menses going, that could be a four day treatment. Correcting the underlying imbalance around that delayed menses could take continuing use of an herbal formula for an entire season. At times long-term usage of herbal formulas is an ideal approach, including when treating multiple complaints or working on fertility issues. It is of utmost importance to have a licensed, board certified herbalist’s professional diagnosis and prescription (including dosage) before using any herbal formulas. Herbal medicine is powerful and can create problems if used incorrectly.
For women who experience cramping:
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang - By nourishing and MOVING blood in the lower body, this formula is excellent to treat the root cause of menstrual cramping. Since it primarily treats lower body blood stagnation it is often used in conditions such as endometriosis, lower back pain and infertility.
For most women (and men):
Ba Zhen Tang - This well balanced formula boosts blood and improves energy, supports adrenals and is great for those women who are fatigued in the early part of their cycle. A pale tongue, a somewhat lighter menstrual flow and symptoms that are worsened by fatigue are all helped by this formula.
Potentially for all women (and men):
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao/Xiao Yao San - Two versions of the same formula, which translates as Free and Easy Wanderer, are the top formulas used in women’s health. Clinically, I have seen some women affectionately call these their “happy pills.” Make no mistake, they are commonly used for men as well. In women’s health, they are great for balancing hormonal issues that crop up premenstrually, like irritability, frustration, poor, sluggish digestion, acne and other inflammation signs and symptoms (especially in the Dan Zhi version with it’s added herbs).
Another notable mention for the ladies with PCOS or anyone with sluggish onset of menses is Shi Xiao San, Sudden Smile Powder. This is a magical little two herb formula that helps to kickstart a fickle period that wants to start but won’t. This formula works quickly and also is strong at reducing menstrual pain.
Please note: This blog isn’t a resource for medical advice. This is meant as an example of a few commonly used herbal formulas that can help facilitate a huge shift in a woman’s menstrual signs and symptoms.
Contact your licensed acupuncturist, board certified in Chinese herbal medicine, to see if a combination of herbal formulas will support your concerns.
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You don’t have to experience menstrual pain each month when you use herbal Chinese Medicine.