Posts in Ross

“I never had experienced an acupuncture treatment before seeing Ross. He was able to explain his extensive knowledge of acupuncture quite well while being personable and caring. The treatment was relaxing and I could feel the results right away in what the specific treatment was intended for. Although he was able to diagnose and recommend herbs (in pill form) for treatment from a reputable source, it was important for me to use only organic herbs. Many herbs are said to be "naturally" grown, but not necessarily organic. Ross took the initiative to research a herbal pharmacy that offered what I needed and was also close to home. He was more than willing to answer any questions I had before, during, and after my treatment so I had a good understanding of it. My first experience with an acupuncturist was great and helped shift a lot for me in many different ways.” – ST

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Ross, HomeSheila Franzen
–Patti Bently

“The results of my treatment are: my neck cracked down to my ribs after I left your office. My range of motion in my neck is better than it has been in a LONG time. The strength in my right arm is incredible. No numbness, Strength is back in my right leg. Pain but no numbness. I want to say thank you! I have hope again. That is a pretty amazing thing. A big miracle to me!” –Patti Bently

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RossSheila Franzen